Customers or User data, allows you to view the information about various types of customers to your site.
The type of reports may vary from application application, but in general they are:
- All Users
- Registered Users
- Guest Users
- Application defined types of users like NewsLetter, Users who Abandoned Cart etc.
- Filter users by some custom category
... your application may have addtional user types, and they all can be represented.
User Reports
For whatever the types of users, the User Listing format is kept consistent. However, if there is a need it can be customized for each type of user report. By default
lets just consider the consistent listing.
For isntance in the sample below, we find the fields:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email
- Phone
- Date (last accessed)
... the above can be changed, for each report if required.
Below is an example of how we can Filter users based on a custimized critera. These can be custom to every project
Another example:
Another example shows a list of Guest users (identified by their session id in this case), who have abandoned their cart; one can click on the Product in the Abandoned cart and see the product details in the same view
It is worth noting that if the user viewing the Order data does not have access to the Product data, the user may not be able to open it. Or may have only read-only access to it.
All these variations are automatically handled by the platform. Many such adaptation can be built and csutomized easily
User Details
Depending on the type of user report, the Id, name or email field maybe a Link. A link denotes that one can open it further into a Details Dialog where more inormation about the user will be available. The format of this Dialog is completely custom to the type of user.